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biogenic element中文是什么意思

用"biogenic element"造句"biogenic element"怎么读"biogenic element" in a sentence


  • 生物起源元素
  • 生物元素


  • 3 . some theories or means , such as box model , one - dimensional advection - difusion models , applied to study on the transportation and the relaionship of biogenic elements
    应用数理统计学的方法对南海垂向水团进行聚类分析,探讨南海垂向水团化学要素基本特征; 3
  • The quantity of nitrate or phosphate produced during reminerlization was about 3 . 45 percent of total quantity of nitrate and 4 . 40 percent of total quantity of phosphate in deep water . these results can make us know the distribution and characteristics of biogenic elements in the south china sea all - around , and of
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